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"International Right to Know Day - Transparency and accountability in international development banks"
Host: European Ombudsman
Location: Brussels, Belgium
"International Right to Know Day - Transparency and accountability in international development banks"
Seminar organised by the European Ombudsman in cooperation with the Complaints Mechanism of the European Investment Bank
28 September 2012, 09.00 - 13.00
Room ASP A1-G2, European Parliament, Brussels
The International Right to Know Day, celebrated each year on 28 September, was established in 2003 by access to information advocates from around the world. Given that approximately one third of the inquiries carried out by his Office annually concern lack of transparency, the European Ombudsman is keen to highlight the importance of every individual's right of access to information. This year, he is cooperating with the Complaints Mechanism of the European Investment Bank to focus on transparency and accountability in European and international development banks.
09.00 - 09.15 Welcome by the European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros and the Head of the EIB's Complaints Mechanism, Felismino Alcarpe
09.15 - 10.45 Transparency and accountability in action - The role of the independent accountability mechanisms (IAMs) of international development banks
Alf Jerve (Inspection Panel, World Bank),
Rusdian Lubis (Compliance Review Mechanism, Asian Development Bank),
Petr Hlobil (CEE Bankwatch Network),
Helen Darbishire (Access Info Europe)
10.45 - 11.30 "Coffee & Croissants" networking session between IAMs and civil society organisations
11.30 - 13.00 Transparency and development finance - Can we achieve better results?
Gina Barbieri (Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, International Finance Corporation & Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, World Bank Group),
Isabel Lavadenz-Paccieri (Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism, Inter-American Development Bank),
Jana Mittermaier (Transparency International),
Anaïs Berthier (Client Earth)
13.00 - 14.30 "Buffet lunch" networking session
Chair: Alex Barker, EU correspondent, Financial Times
European Ombudsman - International Right to Know Day 2012 - Part 1
European Ombudsman - International Right to Know Day 2012 - Part 2
The registration form is available at: http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/shortcuts/document.faces/en/11869/pdf.bookmark
Please submit the completed registration form by 20 September.
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For more information
Gundi Gadesmann
Head of Cabinet
Contact: Gundi Gadesmann
Tel.: +32 2 28 42609
X: @EUombudsman